
EU Transit Customs Procedure – NCTS Phase 5, Separate NCTS T1 Customs Documents for Individual Shipments from the Port of Hamburg


Dear Customers,

We would like to inform you about a change in the customs clearance of import shipments from the Port of Hamburg. From 1.1. 2023, METRANS will proceed to issue T1 documents for each container on the train separately when transporting containers from this port and will abandon NCTS CIM bulk documents.
NCTS (New Computerised Transit System) is a joint EU project for transit mode. It is based on electronic communication between subjects (declarants), the Customs Administration of the Czech Republic and the project countries (EU + EFTA). Regulation No. 952/2013 of the European Parliament and the European Council establishing the Union Customs Code and its implementing regulations will upgrade the NCTS system from Phase 4 to Phase 5.
For customs clearance at the port, separate issuance of NCTS T1 documents will be required for individual shipments. This change will require the need to accurately declare individual items of goods and it will be accompanied by increased administrative requirements before our trains depart from port terminals. Also according to our General Terms and Conditions, these data are compulsory and must be included in the order. In the event of a penalty by the Customs Administration for incorrectly filled data, we will fully transfer the responsibility to the ordering party of the transport.
We are actively preparing for these changes and looking for solutions for a smooth transition to a different customs clearance system. We will keep you informed about the requirements for clarifying the data of containerised goods and the solutions expected in the METRANS service.
For shipments from the ports of Bremerhaven, Rotterdam, Wilhelmshaven, Trieste and Koper, no change in the current customs regime is planned in the near future. We will inform you about any news.






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