Dear Business Partner!
We are glad to inform you, that in regards to the increasing number of requests about the expansion of METRANS activities to and from the port of Rijeka, a new regular connection between RIJEKA – BUDAPEST will be launched with the validity from 01.06.2023. From this date, prices to/from the Port of Rijeka and the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria and Hungary will be applied per the TARIFF prices valid for the Port of Koper. It does NOT apply to negotiated special price arrangements. In case of this connection, the TES is valid in the amount of EUR 15 / TEU.
Herewith, we would like to highlight, that we appreciate the support of the port of Rijeka (AGCT), also we are pleased that we will be able to meet the requirements of our customers with the new supplementary service.
As another connection, we are glad to announce launching the connection between our HUB terminal in Budapest-Csepel with the terminal Indija, whichclosely follows the connection of the port of Rijeka with our HUB terminal in Budapest so as the connection of the port of Rijeka with our terminal Indija (in Serbia). This connection will make it possible to connect the local market in Serbia with all destinations, be it ports in the NWC or all inland terminals that we serve in our network, which will enable transportation from/to Serbia not only for deepsea cargo but also for Intra-European transportation. Moreover, through this connection, it will be possible to supply the Serbian market with empty containers from Budapest for further shipments abroad. In case of this connection, the TES is valid in the amount of EUR 10 / TEU.
We are looking forward to further expansion of our cooperation with these connections as well.
In case of additional questions, our Pricing Department and Customer Service Department are fully at your disposal.
Pricing Department:
price quotations prices@metrans.sk
Customer Service Department:
general information Ivan Miškay imiskay@metrans.sk
daily operations Tamás Varga tvarga@metrans.sk
We firmly believe that the expansion of our services will be a benefit for you and we are looking forward for further cooperation.
METRANS /Danubia/, a.s.