
MÁV Announcement – Traction unit price expected in 2022


Dear Business Partner,
Based on previous market rumors, we would like to inform you that last Friday, on 15 December afternoon, the below-mentioned e-mail reached us regarding railway services provided by railway operators in Hungary and via Hungary.
We have decided to present the letter as it is, also with a translation into the English language.
We have to acknowledge that the situation described below is totally unacceptable and disastrous for the railway segment. The examination of the effect of this announcement is still under negotiation with the Hungarian state authorities and we are without any further information at the moment.
Herewith we have to inform you that based on the announcement of a 300%-increase and also based on the predicted further increase of traction energy prices in Hungary, we will have to restart negotiations related to all traffic that is linked to Hungary or via Hungary by rail.
This announcement concerns the following traffic:

  • All traffic to and from Hungary
    • All trains are involved to / from the Adriatic, all dedicated services connected to Hungary with departure or arrival by rail
  • All traffic routed via Hungary
    • All trains are involved routed via Hungary as a transit country – unfortunately, along with this, all European destinations are involved, e.g. on the connection line to / from the Adriatic
  • All traffic via Budapest Csepel Terminal (also from Hamburg, Bremerhaven, Rotterdam, Duisburg)
  • All empty repositioning / depot feeding via rail to and from / in transit via Hungary

We as METRANS are monitoring the situation and will have to accept the circumstances as they will outline in the upcoming days. We are very sorry to inform you on such short notice and before the end of the year but we had not foreseen this unpleasant situation coming. We have to admit that in our history we have never been forced to proceed with such notice that is moreover an incomplete one.
As soon as we have the exact information, we will share it with you.
We apologize and hope for your understanding.
Best regards,







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