Dear Business Partners,
We would like to share with you the announcement of the Hamburg Port Authority (HPA) about the suspension of trains bound for the Port of Hamburg.
On Saturday 09.07.2022, the HPA announced level 2 – on request, for the arrival of trains in Hamburg for the following reasons:
Occupied entrance rail tracks
Delays in the departure of import trains
Currently, this means that the Port of Hamburg was unavailable for export trains until this morning; from this morning, Hamburg is available for export trains only in case the track is cleared by the departure of import trains. Trains en route got delayed and now it will be necessary to gradually enable their arrival to Hamburg and, therefore, it is necessary to expect a delay of up to 48 hours.
The original announcement and its update from 10.07.2022 can be found in the attachment below.
As a result of the above-mentioned situation and the emerging problems in the Port of Hamburg, we were forced to cancel 9 trains leaving to Hamburg, and we will try to reschedule the containers on them for the nearest possible departure.
We continue to monitor the situation and will try to deliver your containers as soon as possible.
For questions regarding your specific shipments, please contact our customer service, our colleagues will be glad to answer.