
Consequences of heavy rainfall on the railway line Bad Schandau / Děčín – Update No. 5

Update 23.08.2021:

Following our previous reports on the operational situation on the corridor from the North German seaports, Rotterdam and Duisburg to the Czech Republic, it is certainly good news that restrictions on freight trains at the Děčín – Bad Schandau border crossing ended and operation returned to full level on August 22, 2021. We are in active communication with the railway infrastructure operator DB Netz about the activation of all regular trains and resumption of the train schedule used prior to restrictions. We would like to ask for your patience, also considering that the up-to-now used alternative routes are gradually returning to the reopened direction Děčín – Bad Schandau and we expect to reach 100% of the usual capacity during this week.
At the same time, we would like to inform you that the ongoing strike of the German Train Drivers´ Union (GDL) from August 21 till August 25, 2021, has not affected METRANS trains so far, they run without limitation. As long as the service staff of the DB Netz infrastructure does not decide to join the strike – which has not happened yet – METRANS trains will keep running without restrictions.

Due to the facts described, in the past few weeks, we have not had the opportunity to offer full coverage of all your orders of METRANS services due to the lack of capacity on the side of the infrastructure operator. We believe that the end of the lockout in the upcoming period will bring a new opportunity to regain your trust. Our customer service departments remain at your disposal for any questions and your orders will be processed to your maximum satisfaction.

The original news, published on 02.08.2021:

We would like to provide you with an update about the current situation on the corridor from the north German ports, Rotterdam and Duisburg.

Previously, we informed you about major problems resulting from the damage of the railway track after heavy rains in week 28 in the area of ​​the border crossing Bad Schandau – Decin. Another traffic restriction was a derailment of a freight train near Kralupy nad Vltavou on August 4, 2021. Consequences of the accident were removed at night from August 6 to 7, the route is now fully passable in this section.

Unfortunately, there still remain restrictions on the Czech border with Germany, this section is still passable with a single track only and it enables the passage of only about 50% of the planned volume. It is still necessary to use alternative routes through Poland for other trains.

These restrictions allow us to carry about 80% of the usual volumes, despite our best efforts, it is necessary to keep counting with delays of services that use this corridor. According to the railway infrastructure operator, the estimated time for termination of restrictions is August 22, 2021. From this date on, it should be possible to return to standard operation without restrictions, and to reduce delays in transports to/from seaports and terminals step by step.

Our customer services will inform you about specific delays and transport possibilities as usual.

Thank you for your understanding and patience.







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