Dear Customers,
Referring to our Newsletter No. 30/2022 from 18 March 2022, we would like to inform you about the current amount of the energy emergency surcharge (EES) at CTS Container Terminal Salzburg and the fuel surcharge for transportation by truck via Salzburg terminal.
The energy emergency surcharge (EES) is increased by CTS terminal to EUR 1,50 / container / handling from 1 July 2022. Rising fuel prices and other adverse economic conditions have also forced hauliers to increase fuel surcharges for trucking through Salzburg.
Although we try to eliminate the effects of these negative factors, we are forced to increase fuel surcharges. The current amount of fuel surcharges for transportation by truck via Salzburg terminal can be found here.
From 1 July 2022, both the new rates for EES and fuel surcharge will apply to shipments via CTS Container Terminal Salzburg.

We expect an increase in fuel surcharges for DUI and ROTT from 1 August 2022. We will keep you informed about the further development of the situation.