Dear Customers,
In connection with our Newsletter No. 106/2022 dated 28.07.2022, we would like to remind you of the obstacles on the Adriatic corridor that affect our train schedule. These are mainly restrictions due to extreme temperatures, temporary speed reduction, modernization of Pragersko station, railway track closures, etc.
In particular, we would like to draw your attention based on the announcement from the Slovenian Railways about the railway track closure on the Slovenska Bistrica – Pragersko section, which will take place from 13.08.2022, 07:00 a.m. until 17.08.2022, 07:00 p.m. Since it is a 5-days railway track closure, we are trying to find solutions through alternative routes. We are currently in negotiations with the railway infrastructure of Slovenia, Hungary and Austria about the possibilities of alternative routes so that we can at least partially cover the disrupted train connections and minimize the impact of the railway track closure on your transports. Despite our efforts, we are not able to fully replace the canceled capacity and the missing capacity will affect the transit time of our trains from/to Koper.
All trains from/to Trieste will be canceled during this railway track closure.
Later, on 27.08.2022 from 8:00 a.m. – 30.08.2022 until 10:00 a.m. there will be also Divača – Koper railway track closure during which it will not be possible to dispatch any import or export trains.
In the attachment, we would like to send you the most up-to-date overview of railway closures from Slovenian Railways.
In case of any questions regarding the current planning of your shipments and transit times from/to the port of Koper, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service department.