Personal Data Protection and Processing / Zpracování a ochrana osobních údajů:
METRANS, a.s. :
An integral part of the concluded contract with METRANS, a.s. in regard with arranging for the carriage, or arranging for and/or performing services connected with the carriage, are The General Conditions for container transport of METRANS, a.s., as well as the General Conditions of Freight Forwarding of The Association of Forwarding and Logistics of the Czech Republic, both in the version effective on the date of receiving of the transport order.
Nedílnou součástí smluvního vztahu z uzavřené smlouvy se společností METRANS, a.s. ve věcech obstarání a zajištění přepravy kontejnerů, jakož i obstarání nebo provedení úkonů s přepravou souvisejících, jsou jak Všeobecné podmínky METRANS, a.s. pro přepravy kontejnerů, tak i Všeobecné zasilatelské podmínky Svazu spedice a logistiky České republiky, obojí ve znění účinném ke dni doručení objednávky přepravy.
METRANS /Danubia/, a.s.
An integral part of the concluded contract with METRANS /Danubia/, a.s. in matter of arranging for the carriage, or arranging for and/or performing services connected with the carriage, are The General Conditions for container transport of METRANS /Danubia/, a.s., as well as the General Freight Forwarder’s conditions of Association of Logistics and Freight Forwarding of the Slovak Republic, both in the version effective on the date of receiving of the transport order.
Neoddeliteľnou súčasťou zmluvného vzťahu pri uzatvorení zmluvy so spoločnosťou METRANS /Danubia/, a.s. vo veciach obstarania a zabezpečenia prepravy kontajnerov, ako aj obstarania alebo vykonania úkonov súvisiacich s prepravou, sú Všeobecné podmienky METRANS /Danubia/, a.s. pre prepravu kontajnerov, ako aj Všeobecné zasielateľské podmienky Zväzu logistiky a zasielateľstva Slovenskej Republiky, obidva dokumenty v účinnom znení ku dňu doručenia objednávky prepravy.
Notice to creditors, employees and shareholders / Upozornění pro věřitele, zaměstnance a společníky:
Use of Cookies:
A cookie is a short text file that sends a web page to a browser. It allows the site to record your visit information, such as preferred language and other settings. The next visit to the site can be easier and more productive. Cookies are important. Without them, browsing the site would be much more complicated.
Cookies are used for a variety of purposes. For example, we use them to store your secure search settings, select relevant ads, track the number of visitors on the page, facilitate the registration of new services, and protect your data.
Types of cookies used:
Settings – These cookies contain information about the current site settings. If a website supports personalization, such as text magnification, color change, and more, this information will be stored in these cookies.
Security – If a website supports user logging, we use security cookies to authenticate users, prevent fraudulent use of login credentials, and protect user data from accessing unauthorized parties.
Processes – Process cookies allow sites to provide services that visitors expect, such as navigating web pages or accessing secure site areas. Without these cookies, the site can not work properly.
Status of relations – This is about collecting visitor behavior. For example, it may be information about which pages people visit most often, or whether errors are displayed on some sites. These cookies help us improve our services and user experience on the web.
Analytical cookies – Google Analytics is a Google Analytics analytics tool that helps website owners and apps understand how visitors are using their site and applications. He may use a set of cookies to collect information and report on the use of the Website without Google knowing any personal identification data of the individual visitors. The main cookie file used by Google
Analytics is the __ga file.
In addition to generating web site usage statistics, Google Analytics, along with ad cookies, can be used to show more relevant ads on Google products (such as Google Search) and the web.
Expansion, social plugins, third party systems – The website can use extensions such as social plugins (such as the Facebook button “Like me”, Twitter tweet list, etc.) or third-party systems such as the above described Google Analytics. The specific form, amount and purpose of cookies stored in your browser from third-party providers is solely responsible for providing this service / services.
Additional information, links: How Google uses data
METRANS, a.s. undertakes to comply with the obligations pursuant to the Minimum Wage Law (MiLoG) and to ensure that any subcontractors also comply with the provisions of the Minimum Wage Law (MiLoG).
An addressed statement by using the form below:
© 2023 METRANS